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Elanora State School BYOD Program Application Form

Students Name
Setting up your student's device 
Student Apple ID
Create a Child Apple ID and sign into the iPad.
Further instructions can be found on Elanora State School Website.                                                 
Intune Company Portal
Visit the App Store and install this app. This enables students to connect to Education Queensland's network and enables students to download selected apps for school use in one easy location.
This form is to be completed by the parent/guardian of the student participating in the Elanora State School BYOD program.
At Elanora you will see students highly engaged in their learning, using their own device in class, and in other subjects such as STEM and The Arts.
Students are able to take ownership of their learning when they have their own iPad, seamlessly taking learning from school to the home environment.  Even the younger students have demonstrated the capacity to look after their device carefully and have it ready and charged each day.
iPads are a way to develop critical and creative learners, so they have access to all the tools necessary for learning, whilst also valuing and engaging our learners into deep thinking, problem solving, and solution focused real world activities.
I understand that the school's information and communication technology (ICT) services, facilities and devices provide me with access to a range of essential learning tools, including access to the internet. I understand that the internet can connect me to useful information around the world.
While I have access to the school's ICT services, facilities and devices: I will use it only for educational purposes; I will not undertake or look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive; and I will not reveal my password or allow anyone else to use my school account. 
Specifically in relation to internet usage, should any offensive information appear on my screen I will immediately inform my teacher quietly, or tell my parents/guardians if I am at home.

If I receive any inappropriate emails at school I will tell my teacher. If I receive any at home I will tell my parents/guardians.
When using email or the internet I will not: 
  • reveal names, home addresses or phone numbers – mine or that of any other person
  • use the school's ICT service, facilities and devices (including the internet) to annoy or offend anyone else. 
I understand that my online behaviours are capable of impacting on the good order and management of the school whether I am using the school's ICT services, facilities and devices inside or outside of school hours.
I understand that if the school decides I have broken the rules for using its ICT services, facilities and devices, appropriate action may be taken as per the school's Student Code of Conduct, which may include loss of access to the network (including the internet) for a period of time.
I have read and understood this procedure/policy/statement/guideline and the Student Code of Conduct.
I agree to abide by the above rules/the procedure/policy/statement/guideline.
  • Students are expected to demonstrate safe, lawful and ethical behaviour when using the school's ICT network as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Students are to be aware of occupational health and safety issues when using computers and other learning devices.
The school educates students regarding cyber bullying, safe internet and email practices, and health and safety regarding the physical use of ICT devices. Students have a responsibility to adopt these safe practices.
  • Use of the school's ICT network is secured with a user name and password. The password must be difficult enough so that it cannot be guessed by other users and is to be kept private by the student and not divulged to other individuals (e.g. a student should not share their username and password with fellow students). 
Students cannot use another student’s or staff member's username or password to access the school network. This includes not browsing or accessing another person's files, home or local drive, email or accessing unauthorised network drives or systems. Additionally, students should not divulge personal information (e.g. name, parent's name, address, phone numbers), via the internet or email, to unknown entities or for reasons other than to fulfil the educational program requirements of the school. 

Responsibilities for using a personal mobile device on the department’s network
  • Students and parents are responsible for the security, integrity, insurance and maintenance of their personal mobile devices and their private network accounts.
  • Students and parents are to employ caution with the use of personal mobile devices particularly as these devices can store significant numbers of files some of which may be unacceptable at school e.g. games and apps.
  • Unacceptable use will lead to the mobile device being confiscated by school employees, with its collection/return to occur at the end of the school day where the mobile device is not required for further investigation.
Acceptable/appropriate use/behaviour by a student
It is acceptable for students while at school to: 
use mobile devices for: 
  • assigned class work and assignments set by teachers
  • ­developing appropriate literacy, communication and information skills
  • ­authoring text, artwork, audio and visual material for publication on the intranet or internet for educational purposes as supervised and approved by the school
  • ­conducting general research for school activities and projects
  • ­communicating or collaborating with other students, teachers, their parents or experts in relation to school work
  • ­accessing online references such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. 
  • ­researching and learning through the department's eLearning environment
Unacceptable/inappropriate use/behaviour by a student
It is unacceptable for students while at school to: 
  • use a mobile device in an unlawful manner
  • download, distribute or publish offensive messages or pictures
  • use obscene, inflammatory, racist, discriminatory or derogatory language 
  • use language and/or threats of violence that may amount to bullying and/or harassment, or stalking insult, harass or attack others or use obscene or abusive language
  • deliberately waste printing and internet resources
  • damage computers, printers or network equipment
  • commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws
  • ignore teacher directions regarding the use of social media, online email and internet chat
  • send chain letters or spam email (junk mail)
  • share their own or others’ personal information and/or images which could result in risk to themselves or another person’s safety
  • use cameras inappropriately 
  • invade someone's privacy by recording personal conversations or daily activities and/or the further distribution (e.g. forwarding, texting, uploading, Bluetooth use etc.) of such material
General Use
  • I understand that I need to bring my personal device to school each day.
  • I will ensure my device is fully charged at the beginning of each school day.
  • I will hold the device with two hands when carrying it and will walk with it at all times.
  • I will ensure my device is kept in my school bag on my trip to/from school.
  • I will keep food and drinks away from the device at school.
  • I will immediately report any accidents or breakages to my parents and my teachers.
  • I will not use my device before and after school, and at break times.
  • I will not allow other students to use my device.
  • I will follow all staff directions in relation to the use of my device.
  • I will not bring my device to school with a SIM card installed.
  • Whilst at school, I will only use my device to support my school learning program.
  • I permit my teachers and parents (in presence of the student) to perform checks to monitor that I have not installed illegal/unsuitable software applications and content and to check the websites which I visit.
  • I understand there will be consequences for inappropriate use including, but not limited to, loss of privilege of using the device for a period of time.
  • I am responsible to ensure my device is backed up.
  • I understand that if any inappropriate content appears on my device, I am to immediately to take my device and my teacher.
Safety and Security
  • Whilst at school, I will only connect my device to Education Queensland’s Managed Internet Service (EQNET). I am not permitted to access 3G/4G Internet at school.
  • Whilst at school, I will only go to websites that support my learning activities.
  • Whilst at school, I will only use AirDrop if directed by my teacher.
  • I will be CyberSafe and CyberSmart when using the Internet.
  • I will demonstrate etiquette when using my device and other equipment with regard to other people.
  • I will only take photos and record sound or video of staff and students, when granted permission by my teacher and the individual concerned.
  • I will not store images, video or sound created at school on iCloud services.
  • The school name, crest or uniform will not be used in any way which would result in a negative impact for the school and its community. I will not post photos, audio or video of such.
  • I will use my device lawfully and in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct for Elanora State School.
  • For security reasons, I am not to share account names and passwords with anyone unless requested by Elanora State School when servicing my device.
  • I am responsible for security and use of my device while at Elanora State School.
  • I will not use the Messages app or other messaging apps or websites while at school.

tik.jpg snap.jpg mess.jpg face.jpg
TikTok and SnapChat   is not deemed a learning tool and as such use of this app during school hours would constitute a breach of our BYOD Code of Conduct
 Messaging apps and Facetime are to be restricted during school hours. Whilst we understand that communication between home and school is important, iMessage and Facetime for parent/child communication is not permitted.
Date of Application
Click to choose date
Name of Student
Year Level
Type of device
Parent or Guardian:
  • I understand that the school provides my child with access to the school's information and communication technology (ICT) services, facilities and devices (including the internet) for valuable learning experiences. In regards to internet access, I understand that this will give my child access to information from around the world; that the school cannot control what is available online; and that a small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive.
  • I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information should depend upon responsible use by my child. Additionally, I will ensure that my child understands and adheres to the school's appropriate behaviour requirements and will not engage in inappropriate use of the school's ICT services, facilities and devices. Furthermore I will advise the school if any inappropriate material is received by my child that may have come from the school or from other students.
  • I understand that the school is not responsible for safeguarding information stored by my child on a departmentally-owned student computer or mobile device.
  • I permit my teacher/staff or parents to perform checks to monitor that I have not installed inappropriate apps or content. 
  • I understand that the school does not accept liability for any loss or damage suffered to personal mobile devices as a result of using the department's services, facilities and devices. Further, no liability will be accepted by the school in the event of loss, theft or damage to any mobile device unless it can be established that the loss, theft or damage resulted from the school's/department's negligence.
  • I believe that my child understands this responsibility, and I hereby give my permission for him/her to access and use the school's ICT services, facilities and devices (including the internet) under the school rules.
  • I understand where inappropriate online behaviours negatively affect the good order and management of the school, the school may commence disciplinary actions in line with this user agreement or the Student Code of Conduct. This may include loss of access and usage of the school's ICT services, facilities and devices for some time.
I have completed the following
I believe my student understands this responsibility, and I hereby give my permission to be part of Elanora State School BYOD Program
I have read and understood this procedure/policy/statement/guideline and the Student Code of Conduct

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